We invite you to try our site to shorten links in the field of profit from the Internet

FileUseful is a site for shortening links, it provides you with many features that will make you love working in it; we offer you high rates for 1000 clicks or skip the advertisement, and we pay our members via paypal and bank account, without any delay. So do not hesitate to register on our unique site and try it in the field of shortening links.
Registration link https://www.fileuseful.net/auth/signup

What is FileUseful?

FileUseful is a completely free tool where you can create short links, which apart from being free, you get paid! So, now you can make money from home, when managing and protecting your links. Register now!

Shorten URLs and earn money

Signup for an account in just 2 minutes. Once you've completed your registration just start '. 'creating short URLs and sharing the links with your family and friends.